wuuiiiih.. dah lama gag nulis disinii iiah.. padahal Laura udah berniat untuk gag mandek di tengah2 klo buat blog.. hehe..
well,, lot's of things have been going on.. that made me think about my life,, about how blessed i am.. sometimes,, in life i always think about 'me'.. and you know, thinking about 'me' have no ends.. there's always things that makes 'me' unsatisfied in life.. but to see other people's life from different perspectives and experience,, LAURA REALIZED,, that i am one lucky and blessed girl, living in this world!!!
First,, I have the most amazing christian family! I once heard this from someone, "Raised in a Christian family is an amazing experience.. i'd rather grow up in a christian family, than in a palace."
WOW.. and i thought.. that's true actually.. hehe.. ",
Love my dad! Love my mom! Love my sister! Love my brother!!
and second.. i have the bestest friends in school!! hehe.. mereka yang membuat hidupku berwarna dan tidak bosaan mau ke sekolah.. haha.. Love you guys..
third,, Laura punya hape, punya motor, punya kamar tidur yang baguus.. punya laptop.. punya internet!! hehe.. punya tv,,punya lapangan basket.. punya mobil.. hehe.. punya rumah tempatku bernaung dan keluarga yang slalu menunggu kedatanganku pulaang.. hehe.. ",
fourth,, uhm.. bukannya sok atau pamer atau sombong iiah.. *ehem*.. God gives me amazing talent.. and i'm still figuring out and doing my best untuk mengasahnya dan mengembangkannya for Him.. ",
fifth,, i have LOVE.. ", maybe many people in this world still can't figure out what love is..
Last.. I HAVE JESUS!.. He completes my life.. He guards me.. He loves me.. He forgives me..
masii banyak lagii c sebenernya.. tapi ni kayaknya waktunya tak akan cukup..hehehehe.. ",
" I once was lost.. but now i'm found..
I once was blind.. but now i see"..
wuiiih.. kog kayak pengakuan berkat ginniii yaah..
well, just to remind u guys.. hehe.. that you have many things to be thankful of.. ",
contoh keciill.. masih bisa buka internet dan membaca posting ini!! hahhahaahha..
Laura S. a.ka. L^11..
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