Saturday, July 24, 2010


Laura here.. still here.. in Salatiga, the cool city..

hehe.. these couple of days, the wind is blowing so hard,huh?? dinggiiiiin.. brrr...
but i'm still grateful.. masih bisa tiduran di tempat tidur, dengan selimut yang sangat lembut dan tebal.. hmmmm.. so nice.. :) :) jadi ngantuk niih..
well,, hari ini.. 24 July.. Laura bertekad untuk lebih sering nulis di blog.. haha.. why?? i don't know.. because i think it's going to be fun.. to read all this all over again someday, remembering and laughing at all the things i wrote.. hehe..
but most of all.. i hope that THIS BLOG WILL BE A BLESSING TO ALL YOU PEOPLE THATS READING IT.. :) :) hehehe..

last night, as i lay down on my bed, feeling cold and sleepy, i thanked God for all the blessings He gave.. :) :)
Laura masih bisa lulus sekolah.. makan.. tidur.. bertemu dengan orang-orang yang laura cintai.. have fun.. and i can still read Your word and talk to You everyday.. :) :)

Laura sadar, waktu Laura di kota kecil nan indah ini sudah hampir berakhir.. and i want to make every day memorable.. so i'll start writing here.. in this blog.. of all the times and experiences i had.. my LAST 2 WEEKS here.. before i enter the 'real world'.. hahaha..

anyway.. this morning i had my devotion.. about 'Reflecting His Love'.. hehe..
it's cool.. 'without love i am nothing'.. that's a quote in a song.. and i learn that we have to LET HIM MAKE YOU A REFLECTION OF HIS WONDERFUL LOVE SHINNING OUT TO EVERYONE IN YOUR WORLD. Let His LOVE shine through us.. :) :)

hehe. itu dulu deh,, if i feel like writing again, i'll write.. hehe..


Laura Salvadora / L11

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